Wendell Seitz's Portfolio

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Top Gun

Top Gun started out as a way to bail our 53-year-old subway-musician roommate, Joe Crow Ryan, out of debt. It turned into a major 724 Myrtle production. It pulled together the whole house and all of our networks. It gave tribute to Tom Cruise for being a father figure to one of our friends, saved a friend's romantic relationship from ruin, and was the crowning end to our summer in Brooklyn this last year.

We did lots of research first. This included two public screenings of the movie. There was commentary given during the films and then we had discussions after the films. We viewed all of the music videos several times, looking for ways to incorporate their ideas into our performance, be it through dance moves or verbal cues.

Here are seven music videos that display the music that we used to form a basis for our performance.

With a playlist developed we then designed costumes, got together for a rehearsal, then went to our desired subway stop and brought Top Gun to Brooklyn.

Here are photos of the performance taken by a friend of mine, Tod Seelie.

This is a video recording the performance.

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